Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My Post Modernism Project

For my project I wrote a story because I couldn't think of anything better to do.

       Your alarm clock goes off early in the morning. You go through your daily routine, waking up, getting dressed, eating breakfast (if there is any time), and leaving for school. Same old same old. After arriving at school you head to your locker, meet and talk with friends, and frantically finish last night's homework that you had put off until the last second. Summer grows seemingly farther out of reach as you trudge on through the day. Exciting isn't it?

The first period bell rings. You arrive at room 608 for Dr. Preston's english class to start off another day of the same thing that you did yesterday and the day before and the day before that. After you write your journal, *feeling a bit sleepy*, you are given a project on post modernism. You think "crap! what is post modernism really?" After the class argues with Dr. Preston for about 10 minutes asking to expand the deadline he permits it. "Awesome, now this gives me a chance to work longer on my project!"Is what you should say. Instead your brain says this, "Awesome, now this gives me a chance to screw around more and put off my project until the night before!".

After first period you go through the rest of your exciting day thinking about how the hell you are going describe post modernism, let alone put it into a project. You have to be able to give an idea tomorrow to the class. You come up with some really quick lame idea that gives you enough time to attempt to understand post modernism. Eventually, lunch comes and goes. Fifth and sixth go by just like any other day. Before too soon you hear the final bell that frees you from this prison where you are condemned to write things all day long. You pack your things and leave the ineffective gates of Righetti behind you.

Once you arrive at your house, you find yourself extremely exhausted and in need of a nap. You skip your homework and go to bed, setting your alarm to wake you later. Just as you are getting relaxed you are immediately shaken out of bed and you find yourself in the back of a fire truck racing down the street. Scared, you begin to look around for answers. In the front seat you see two firemen chatting vigorously on the radio. You hear something about books being talked about on the radio but before you can say anything the fire truck comes to a stop in front of a house. The firemen poor out onto the sidewalk. Trying to figure out what is going on, the firemen immediately pull out flame throwers and begin to burn the house down."WTF" you say to yourself. After the burning is complete you hear a quarrel out on the lawn of the burning house. You look out the window and all there is too see is a smoldering pile of ashes that used to be the 2 firefighters and something else that looked like a mechanical dog. The person who did this suddenly looks at you and with a bewildered expression on his face he pulls the trigger on the flame thrower and everything goes black. So it goes.

Suddenly, you are jolted to life again but this time on the side of a road in the middle of nowhere. You begin trying to figure out why these scenes are so familiar to you. "Where the hell am I now?". With no sense of direction you begin to walk down the street to look for anyone who might help you to know where this strangely familiar place is. Eventually you spot a building off in the distance and you go towards it, as it grows closer you recognize it as a shop, a sort of repair shop for cars. As you enter the shop a man comes out. "Hi, my name is Wilson, what can I help you with?". After asking him for help on how to get to Santa Maria, he became a little confused. Overhearing the conversation, his wife came out and insisted that she should stop a car and ask for directions for you. Before you could stop her she had already walked out to the road and was waving down a yellow car when WHAM! the car hit her head on. So it goes. The police arrived shortly and everything began to fade to black again.

You are now jolted awake by the sounds of mortars and gunfire. As you look around you World War 2 is being waged as the Allies exchange fire with German troops. After much fighting you find yourself lost behind enemy lines with three other soldiers. One is wearing the same uniform as you and tells you that you are a scout just like him. Another is gunner in the artillery platoon. The fourth soldier did not look like a soldier at all but just a raggedy civilian. And he was a Chaplain's assistant. After days of evading the German patrols and being slowed down by the chaplain's assistant due to his weak stature, you and the other other scout decide to leave the gunner and chaplain's assistant behind. A day after leaving them behind the other scout with you is suddenly hit by a bullet, he is killed instantly by a German sniper. So it goes. Before you are able to get to cover you are also shot and everything fades to black. So it goes.

You jump back awake for real this time. Although this time you are in Dr. Preston's class. He begins announcing that there will be a post modernism project due the next day. "What?", you say to yourself. Thinking that the time that you went back home and slept was all a part of this dream you have been having and that you had actually fell asleep in his class after writing the journal topic. You immediately know what your project is going to be about.

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