Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chapter 8 Active Reading Notes

So far, everyone, especially Wilson are in shock that his wife had died but nobody except Nick, Gatsby, and Daisy know how she died.

Nick meets with Gatsby and Gatsby tells him how he and Daisy met a while back while he was still and Officer in the Army. Nick learns about how Daisy found Gatsby interesting because he new different things than her because of the difference between their lifestyles.

Meanwhile, Wilson admits that he has a way of finding things out and he goes looking for the owner of the yellow car that didn't stop for Myrtle and asks directions to Gatsby's house.

Gatsby tells his staff that the car is not to be brought out under any circumstances and although it was Daisy's fault for killing Myrtle he would take the blame.

The ending of the chapter really confused me: Nick and Gatsby's staff go looking for Gatsby and they talk about a red ring in the pool as well as a mattress in the pool and then suddenly they are talking about Wilson's body and the ending of the holocaust?

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